11#ifndef __L4SYS__INCLUDE__ARCH_AMD64__CACHE_H__
12#define __L4SYS__INCLUDE__ARCH_AMD64__CACHE_H__
14#include_next <l4/sys/cache.h>
20 (void)start; (void)end;
28 (void)start; (void)end;
36 (void)start; (void)end;
44 (void)start; (void)end;
52 (void)start; (void)end;
int l4_cache_dma_coherent(unsigned long start, unsigned long end) L4_NOTHROW
Make memory coherent for use with external memory; writes back to PoC.
int l4_cache_dma_coherent_full(void) L4_NOTHROW
Make memory coherent for use with external memory; writes back to PoC.
int l4_cache_flush_data(unsigned long start, unsigned long end) L4_NOTHROW
Cache flush a range; writes back to PoC.
int l4_cache_coherent(unsigned long start, unsigned long end) L4_NOTHROW
Make memory coherent between I-cache and D-cache; writes back to PoU.
int l4_cache_clean_data(unsigned long start, unsigned long end) L4_NOTHROW
Cache clean a range in D-cache; writes back to PoC.
int l4_cache_inv_data(unsigned long start, unsigned long end) L4_NOTHROW
Cache invalidate a range; might write back to PoC.
#define L4_NOTHROW
Mark a function declaration and definition as never throwing an exception.
#define L4_INLINE
L4 Inline function attribute.