80 int idx, l4re_event_stream_info_t *info)
116 unsigned naxes,
unsigned const *axis,
l4_cap_idx_t l4re_ds_t
Dataspace type.
long l4re_event_get_axis_info(const l4_cap_idx_t server, l4_umword_t id, unsigned naxes, unsigned const *axis, l4re_event_absinfo_t *info) L4_NOTHROW
Get Axis information for a stream.
long l4re_event_get_buffer(const l4_cap_idx_t server, const l4re_ds_t ds) L4_NOTHROW
Get an event signal buffer.
long l4re_event_get_stream_info_for_id(const l4_cap_idx_t server, l4_umword_t stream_id, l4re_event_stream_info_t *info) L4_NOTHROW
Get info for a stream given a stream id.
long l4re_event_get_num_streams(const l4_cap_idx_t server) L4_NOTHROW
Get number of streams.
long l4re_event_get_stream_info(const l4_cap_idx_t server, int idx, l4re_event_stream_info_t *info) L4_NOTHROW
Get information on a stream.
unsigned long l4_umword_t
Unsigned machine word.
unsigned long l4_cap_idx_t
Capability selector type.
#define __END_DECLS
End section with C types and functions.
#define L4_CV
Define calling convention.
#define L4_NOTHROW
Mark a function declaration and definition as never throwing an exception.
#define __BEGIN_DECLS
Start section with C types and functions.
Common L4 ABI Data Types.
Event structure used in buffer.
unsigned short code
Code of the event.
int value
Value of the event.
unsigned short type
Type of the event.
l4_umword_t stream_id
Stream ID.
long long time
Time stamp of the event.