L4Re Operating System Framework
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CL4::Ipc::Array_ref< char const, unsigned long >
 CL4::Ipc::Array_ref< ELEM_TYPE, Array_len_default >
 Ccxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, Lt_functor< ITEM_TYPE >, New_allocator, Bits::Avl_set_get_key< ITEM_TYPE > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< Pair< KEY_TYPE, DATA_TYPE >, Lt_functor< KEY_TYPE >, New_allocator, Bits::Avl_map_get_key< KEY_TYPE > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< Pair< Region, Hdlr >, cxx::Lt_functor< Region >, Alloc, Bits::Avl_map_get_key< Region > >
 Ccxx::Base_slab< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >
 Ccxx::Base_slab< sizeof(Type), L4_PAGESIZE, 2, New_allocator >
 Ccxx::Base_slab_static< sizeof(Type), L4_PAGESIZE, 2, New_allocator >
 Ccxx::Bits::Basic_list< Bits::Basic_list_policy< cxx::Base_slab::Slab_i, H_list_item > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Basic_list< Bits::Basic_list_policy< Observer, H_list_item > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Basic_list< Bits::Basic_list_policy< T, H_list_item > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Basic_list< Bits::Basic_list_policy< T, H_list_item_t< T > > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Basic_list< Bits::Basic_list_policy< T, S_list_item > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Basic_list< Bits::Basic_list_policy< Timeout, H_list_item > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Basic_list< Bits::Basic_list_policy< Weak_ref_base, H_list_item_t< Weak_ref_base > > >
 CBlock_device::Device_discard_featurePartial interface for devices that offer discard functionality
 CBlock_device::Device_mgr< DEV, FACTORY, SCHEDULER >Basic class that scans devices and handles client connections
 CBlock_device::Device_with_notification_domain< DEV >Device with a per-device notification domain
 CBlock_device::Dma_region_infoBase class used by the driver implementation to derive its own DMA mapping tracking structure
 CBlock_device::Impl::Partitioned_device_discard_mixin< PART_DEV, BASE_DEV, bool >Dummy class used when the device class is not derived from Device_discard_feature
 CBlock_device::Impl::Partitioned_device_discard_mixin< PART_DEV, BASE_DEV, true >Mixin implementing discard for partition devices
 CBlock_device::Inout_blockDescription of an inout block to be sent to the device
 CBlock_device::Inout_memory< DEV >Helper class that temporarily allocates memory that can be used for in/out operations with the device
 CBlock_device::Mem_region_infoAdditional info stored in each L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_region_t used for tracking dataspace-wide DMA mappings
 CBlock_device::Notification_domainOpaque type for representing a notification domain
 CBlock_device::Partition_infoInformation about a single partition
 CBlock_device::Partition_reader< DEV >Partition table reader for block devices
 CBlock_device::Pending_requestInterface for pending requests
 CBlock_device::Scheduler_base< DEV >Scheduler base class
 CL4::Types::Bool< __Iface_conflict< I, I2 >::value||_Iface_conflict< I, LIST::type >::value >
 CL4::Types::Bool< false >
 CL4::Types::Bool< I1::Proto !=PROTO_EMPTY &&I1::Proto==I2::Proto >
 CL4::Types::Bool< Iface_conflict< I, L2::type >::value||_Conflict< L1::type, L2::type >::value >
 CL4::Types::Bool< true >
 CL4::Types::Bool< Typeid::Conflict< L1::type, L2::type >::value||Conflict< L1, LIST... >::value||Conflict< L2, LIST... >::value >
 CL4::Types::Bool< Typeid::Iface_conflict< I::type, L::type >::value||Iface_conflict< I, LIST... >::value >
 Ccxx::Bits::Bst< _Node, Bits::Avl_map_get_key< KEY_TYPE >, Lt_functor< KEY_TYPE > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Bst< _Node, Bits::Avl_map_get_key< Region >, cxx::Lt_functor< Region > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Bst< _Node, Bits::Avl_set_get_key< ITEM_TYPE >, Lt_functor< ITEM_TYPE > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Bst< _Node, GET_KEY, COMPARE >
 Ccxx::Bits::Bst< Entry, Names_get_key, Lt_functor< typename Get_key::Key_type > >
 Ccxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Lt_functor< typename Get_key::Key_type > >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Clnt_val_ops< Detail::_Plain< T >::type, DIR, CLASS >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Clnt_val_ops< Detail::_Plain< typename ELEM::arg_type >::type, typename Direction< A * >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< A * >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Clnt_val_ops< Detail::_Plain< typename ELEM::arg_type >::type, typename Direction< A const * >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< A const * >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Clnt_val_ops< Detail::_Plain< typename ELEM::arg_type >::type, typename Direction< Array< A, LEN > & >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< Array< A, LEN > & >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Clnt_val_ops< Detail::_Plain< typename ELEM::arg_type >::type, typename Direction< Array< A, LEN > >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< Array< A, LEN > >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Clnt_val_ops< Detail::_Plain< typename ELEM::arg_type >::type, typename Direction< String< A, LEN > & >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< String< A, LEN > & >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Clnt_val_ops< Detail::_Plain< typename ELEM::arg_type >::type, typename Direction< T >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< T >::type >::type >
 Ccxx::Base_slab< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >Basic slab allocator
 Ccxx::Base_slab_static< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >Merged slab allocator (allocators for objects of the same size are merged together)
 Ccxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >Definition for a member (part) of a bit field
 Ccxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >::Value_base< TT >Internal helper type
 Ccxx::Bitmap_baseBasic bitmap abstraction
 Ccxx::Bitmap_base::BitA writable bit in a bitmap
 Ccxx::Bitmap_base::Char< BITS >Helper abstraction for a byte contained in the bitmap
 Ccxx::Bitmap_base::Word< BITS >Helper abstraction for a word contained in the bitmap
 Ccxx::Bits::Avl_map_get_key< KEY_TYPE >Key-getter for Avl_map
 Ccxx::Bits::Avl_set_get_key< KEY_TYPE >Internal, key-getter for Avl_set nodes
 Ccxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >Internal: AVL set with internally managed nodes
 Ccxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >::NodeA smart pointer to a tree item
 Ccxx::Bits::Basic_list< POLICY >Internal: Common functions for all head-based list implementations
 Ccxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >Basic binary search tree (BST)
 Ccxx::Bits::Bst_nodeBasic type of a node in a binary search tree (BST)
 Ccxx::Bits::DirectionThe direction to go in a binary search tree
 Ccxx::Bits::Smart_ptr_list< ITEM >List of smart-pointer-managed objects
 Ccxx::Bits::Smart_ptr_list_item< T, STORE_T >List item for an arbitrary item in a Smart_ptr_list
 Ccxx::H_list_item_t< ELEM_TYPE >Basic element type for a double-linked H_list
 Ccxx::List< D, Alloc >Doubly linked list, with internal allocation
 Ccxx::List< D, Alloc >::IterIterator
 Ccxx::List_allocStandard list-based allocator
 Ccxx::List_itemBasic list item
 Ccxx::List_item::IterIterator for a list of ListItem-s
 Ccxx::Lt_functor< Obj >Generic comparator class that defaults to the less-than operator
 Ccxx::New_allocator< _Type >Standard allocator based on operator new ()
 Ccxx::NothrowHelper type to distinguish the operator new version that does not throw exceptions
 Ccxx::Pair< First, Second >Pair of two values
 Ccxx::Pair_first_compare< Cmp, Typ >Comparison functor for Pair
 Ccxx::Ref_ptr< T, CNT >A reference-counting pointer with automatic cleanup
 Ccxx::static_vector< T, IDX >Simple encapsulation for a dynamically allocated array
 Ccxx::StringAllocation free string class with explicit length field
 CL4virtio::Svr::Device_t< Ds_data >
 CL4virtio::Svr::Device_t< Mem_region_info >
 CL4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_list_t< Ds_data >
 CL4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_list_t< Mem_region_info >
 CL4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_region_t< Ds_data >
 CElf32_AuxvAuxiliary vector (32-bit)
 CElf32_DynELF32 dynamic entry
 CElf32_EhdrELF32 header
 CElf32_PhdrELF32 program header
 CElf32_RelELF32 relocation entry w/o addend
 CElf32_RelaELF32 relocation entry w/ addend
 CElf32_ShdrELF32 section header
 CElf32_SymELF32 symbol table entry
 CElf64_AuxvAuxiliary vector (64-bit)
 CElf64_DynELF64 dynamic entry
 CElf64_EhdrELF64 header
 CElf64_PhdrELF64 program header
 CElf64_RelELF64 relocation entry w/o addend
 CElf64_RelaELF64 relocation entry w/ addend
 CElf64_ShdrELF64 section header
 CElf64_SymELF64 symbol table entry
 CL4::Epiface_t0< IFACE, BASE >
 CL4::Epiface_t0< void, BASE >
 CL4Re::Event_buffer_t< PAYLOAD >
 CL4::Types::Flags_ops_t< Flags >
 CL4::Types::Flags_ops_t< Flags_t< DT, T > >
 Cgfxbitmap_offsetOffsets in pmap[] and bmap[]
 Ccxx::H_list_item_t< Weak_ref_base >
 CBlock_device::Inout_memory< Device_type >
 CL4::Kobject_2t< Console, Video::Goos, Event, L4::PROTO_EMPTY >
 CL4::Kobject_2t< Debug_obj_t< BASE >, BASE, Debug_obj, L4::PROTO_EMPTY >
 CL4::Kobject_x< Iommu, Proto_t< L4_PROTO_IOMMU >, Type_info::Demand_t< 1 > >
 CL4::Alloc_listA simple list-based allocator
 CL4::Basic_registryThis registry returns the corresponding server object based on the label of an Ipc_gate
 CL4::Cap_baseBase class for all kinds of capabilities
 CL4::EpifaceBase class for interface implementations
 CL4::Exception_tracerBack-trace support for exceptions
 CL4::Factory::LstrSpecial type to add a pascal string into the factory create stream
 CL4::Factory::NilSpecial type to add a void argument into the factory create stream
 CL4::Factory::SStream class for the create() argument stream
 CL4::IOModifierModifier class for the IO stream
 CL4::Ipc::Array_in_buf< ELEM_TYPE, LEN_TYPE, MAX >Server-side copy in buffer for Array
 CL4::Ipc::Array_ref< ELEM_TYPE, LEN_TYPE >Array reference data type for arrays located in the message
 CL4::Ipc::As_value< T >Pass the argument as plain data value
 CL4::Ipc::CallRPC attribute for a standard RPC call
 CL4::Ipc::Cap< T >Capability type for RPC interfaces (see L4::Cap<T>)
 CL4::Ipc::Gen_fpageGeneric RPC base for typed message items
 CL4::Ipc::In_out< T >Mark an argument as in-out argument
 CL4::Ipc::IstreamInput stream for IPC unmarshalling
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Clnt_val_ops< MTYPE, DIR, CLASS >Defines client-side handling of ‘MTYPE’ as RPC argument
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Cls_bufferMarker type for receive buffer values
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Cls_dataMarker type for data values
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Cls_itemMarker type for item values
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Dir_inMarker type for input values
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Dir_outMarker type for output values
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Elem< Array< A, LEN > & >Array as output argument
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Elem< Array< A, LEN > >Array as input arguments
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Elem< Array_ref< A, LEN > & >Array_ref as output argument
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_arg_pack< IPC_TYPE >Server-side RPC arguments data structure used to provide arguments to the server-side implementation of an RPC function
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< MTYPE, DIR, CLASS >Defines server-side handling for MTYPE server arguments
 CL4::Ipc::Msg_ptr< T >Pointer to an element of type T in an Ipc::Istream
 CL4::Ipc::Opt< T >Attribute for defining an optional RPC argument
 CL4::Ipc::OstreamOutput stream for IPC marshalling
 CL4::Ipc::Out< T >Mark an argument as a output value in an RPC signature
 CL4::Ipc::Ret_array< T >Dynamically sized output array of type T
 CL4::Ipc::Send_onlyRPC attribute for a send-only RPC
 CL4::Ipc::Small_bufA receive item for receiving a single object capability
 CL4::Ipc::Str_cp_in< T >Abstraction for extracting a zero-terminated string from an Ipc::Istream
 CL4::Ipc::VargVariably sized RPC argument
 CL4::Ipc::Varg_list_refList of variable-sized RPC parameters as received by the server
 CL4::Ipc::Varg_list_ref::IteratorIterator for Valists
 CL4::Ipc_svr::Compound_replyMix in for LOOP_HOOKS to always use compound reply and wait
 CL4::Ipc_svr::Default_setup_waitMix in for LOOP_HOOKS for setup_wait no op
 CL4::Ipc_svr::Default_timeoutMix in for LOOP_HOOKS to use a 0 send and a infinite receive timeout
 CL4::Ipc_svr::Direct_dispatch< R >Direct dispatch helper, for forwarding dispatch calls to a registry R
 CL4::Ipc_svr::Direct_dispatch< R * >Direct dispatch helper, for forwarding dispatch calls via a pointer to a registry R
 CL4::Ipc_svr::Ignore_errorsMix in for LOOP_HOOKS to ignore IPC errors
 CL4::Ipc_svr::Server_ifaceInterface for server-loop related functions
 CL4::Ipc_svr::Timeout_queueTimeout queue to be used in l4re server loop
 CL4::Kip::Mem_descMemory descriptors stored in the kernel interface page
 CL4::KobjectBase class for all kinds of kernel objects and remote objects, referenced by capabilities
 CL4::Kobject_2t< Derived, Base1, Base2, PROTO, S_DEMAND >Helper class to create an L4Re interface class that is derived from two base classes (see L4::Kobject_t)
 CL4::Kobject_3t< Derived, Base1, Base2, Base3, PROTO, S_DEMAND >Helper class to create an L4Re interface class that is derived from three base classes (see L4::Kobject_t)
 CL4::Kobject_demand< T >Get the combined server-side resource requirements for all type T..
 CL4::Kobject_t< Derived, Base, PROTO, S_DEMAND >Helper class to create an L4Re interface class that is derived from a single base class
 CL4::Kobject_typeid< T >Meta object for handling access to type information of Kobjects
 CL4::Kobject_typeid< void >Minimalistic ID for void interface
 CL4::Kobject_x< Derived, ARGS >Generic Kobject inheritance template
 CL4::Lock_guardBasic lock guard implementation that prevents forgotten unlocks on exit paths from a method or a block of code
 CL4::Poll_timeout_counterEvaluate an expression for a maximum number of times
 CL4::Poll_timeout_kipclockA polling timeout based on the L4Re clock
 CL4::Proto_t< P >Data type for defining protocol numbers
 CL4::Registry_ifaceAbstract interface for object registries
 CL4::StringA null-terminated string container class
 CL4::Thread::AttrThread attributes used for control()
 CL4::Thread::Modify_sendersClass wrapping a list of rules which modify the sender label of IPC messages inbound to this thread
 CL4::Type_infoDynamic Type Information for L4Re Interfaces
 CL4::Type_info::DemandData type for expressing the needed receive buffers at the server-side of an interface
 CL4::Typeid::Detail::_Rpcs< OPCODE, O, Default_op< R > >::Rpc< Y >Find the given RPC in the list
 CL4::Typeid::Detail::_Rpcs< OPCODE, O, R, X... >Non-empty list of RPCs
 CL4::Typeid::Detail::_Rpcs< OPCODE, O, R, X... >::Rpc< Y >Find the given RPC in the list
 CL4::Typeid::Detail::Rpcs_endInternal end-of-list marker
 CL4::Typeid::P_dispatch< LIST >Use for protocol based dispatch stage
 CL4::Typeid::Raw_ipc< CLASS >RPCs list for passing raw incoming IPC to the server object
 CL4::Typeid::Rpcs_code< OPCODE_TYPE >List of RPCs of an interface using a special opcode type
 CL4::Types::Bool< V >Boolean meta type
 CL4::Types::Flags< BITS_ENUM, UNDERLYING >Template for defining typical Flags bitmaps
 CL4::Types::Flags_ops_t< DT >Mixin class to define a set of friend bitwise operators on DT
 CL4::Types::Int_for_size< SIZE, bool >Metafunction to get an unsigned integral type for the given size
 CL4::Types::Int_for_type< T >Metafunction to get an integral type of the same size as T
 CL4::UartUart driver abstraction
 Cl4_buf_regs_tEncapsulation of the buffer-registers block in the UTCB
 Cl4_exc_regs_tUTCB structure for exceptions
 Cl4_fpage_tL4 flexpage type
 Cl4_icu_info_tInfo structure for an ICU
 Cl4_icu_msi_info_tInfo to use for a specific MSI
 Cl4_kernel_info_mem_desc_tMemory descriptor data structure
 Cl4_kernel_info_tL4 Kernel Interface Page
 Cl4_msg_regs_tEncapsulation of the message-register block in the UTCB
 Cl4_msgtag_tMessage tag data structure
 Cl4_sched_cpu_set_tCPU sets
 Cl4_sched_param_tScheduler parameter set
 Cl4_snd_fpage_tSend-flexpage types
 Cl4_thread_regs_tEncapsulation of the thread-control-register block of the UTCB
 Cl4_timeout_sBasic timeout specification
 Cl4_timeout_tTimeout pair
 Cl4_vcon_attr_tVcon attribute structure
 Cl4_vcpu_arch_state_tArchitecture-specific vCPU state
 Cl4_vcpu_ipc_regs_tVCPU message registers
 Cl4_vcpu_regs_tVCPU registers
 Cl4_vcpu_state_tState of a vCPU
 Cl4_vm_svm_vmcb_control_areaVMCB structure for SVM VMs
 Cl4_vm_svm_vmcb_state_save_areaState save area structure for SVM VMs
 Cl4_vm_svm_vmcb_state_save_area_segState save area segment selector struct
 Cl4_vm_svm_vmcb_tControl structure for SVM VMs
 Cl4_vm_tz_stateState structure for TrustZone VMs
 Cl4_vm_vmx_vcpu_infos_tVMX information members
 Cl4_vm_vmx_vcpu_state_tVMX vCPU state
 Cl4_vm_vmx_vcpu_vmcs_tVMX software VMCS
 Cl4_vmx_offset_table_tSoftware VMCS field offset table
 CL4drivers::Register_block< MAX_BITS, BLOCK >Handles a reference to a register block of the given maximum access width
 CL4drivers::Register_block_base< MAX_BITS >Abstract register block interface
 CL4drivers::Register_block_impl< BASE, MAX_BITS >Implementation helper for register blocks
 CL4drivers::Register_block_tmpl< BLOCK >Helper template that translates to the Register_block_base interface
 CL4drivers::Ro_register_block< MAX_BITS, BLOCK >Handles a reference to a read only register block of the given maximum access width
 CL4drivers::Ro_register_tmpl< BITS, BLOCK >Single read only register inside a Register_block_base interface
 CL4Re::Cap_allocCapability allocator interface
 CL4Re::Dataspace::FDataspace flags definitions
 CL4Re::Dataspace::StatsInformation about the dataspace
 CL4Re::Default_event_payloadDefault event stream payload
 CL4Re::EnvC++ interface of the initial environment that is provided to an L4 task
 CL4Re::Event_buffer_t< PAYLOAD >Event buffer class
 CL4Re::Event_buffer_t< PAYLOAD >::EventEvent structure used in buffer
 CL4Re::Rm::FRm flags definitions
 CL4Re::Rm::RangeA range of virtual addresses
 CL4Re::Rm::Unique_region< T >Unique region
 CL4Re::Smart_cap_auto< Unmap_flags >Helper for Unique_cap and Unique_del_cap
 CL4Re::Smart_count_cap< Unmap_flags >Helper for Ref_cap and Ref_del_cap
 CL4Re::Util::Cap_alloc_baseCapability allocator
 CL4Re::Util::Counter< COUNTER >Counter for Counting_cap_alloc with variable data width
 CL4Re::Util::Counter_atomic< COUNTER >Thread safe version of counter for Counting_cap_alloc
 CL4Re::Util::Counting_cap_alloc< COUNTERTYPE, Dbg >Internal reference-counting cap allocator
 CL4Re::Util::Dataspace_svrDataspace server class
 CL4Re::Util::Event_svr< SVR >Convenience wrapper for implementing an event server
 CL4Re::Util::Event_t< PAYLOAD >Convenience wrapper for getting access to an event object
 CL4Re::Util::Item_alloc_baseItem allocator
 CL4Re::Util::Names::Name_spaceAbstract server-side implementation of the L4::Namespace interface
 CL4Re::Util::Ref_cap< T >Automatic capability that implements automatic free and unmap of the capability selector
 CL4Re::Util::Ref_del_cap< T >Automatic capability that implements automatic free and unmap+delete of the capability selector
 CL4Re::Util::Smart_cap_auto< Unmap_flags >Helper for Unique_cap and Unique_del_cap
 CL4Re::Util::Smart_count_cap< Unmap_flags >Helper for Ref_cap and Ref_del_cap
 CL4Re::Util::Vcon_svr< SVR >Console server template class
 CL4Re::Util::Video::Goos_svrGoos server class
 CL4Re::Vfs::DirectoryInterface for a POSIX file that is a directory
 CL4Re::Vfs::File_systemBasic interface for an L4Re::Vfs file system
 CL4Re::Vfs::FsPOSIX File-system related functionality
 CL4Re::Vfs::Generic_fileThe common interface for an open POSIX file
 CL4Re::Vfs::MmanInterface for POSIX memory management
 CL4Re::Vfs::Regular_fileInterface for a POSIX file that provides regular file semantics
 CL4Re::Vfs::Special_fileInterface for a POSIX file that provides special file semantics
 CL4Re::Video::Color_componentA color component
 CL4Re::Video::Goos::InfoInformation structure of a Goos
 CL4Re::Video::Pixel_infoPixel information
 CL4Re::Video::ViewView of a framebuffer
 CL4Re::Video::View::InfoInformation structure of a view
 Cl4re_aux_tAuxiliary descriptor
 Cl4re_ds_stats_tInformation about the data space
 Cl4re_elf_aux_mword_tAuxiliary vector element for a single unsigned data word
 Cl4re_elf_aux_tGeneric header for each auxiliary vector element
 Cl4re_elf_aux_vma_tAuxiliary vector element for a reserved virtual memory area
 Cl4re_env_cap_entry_tEntry in the L4Re environment array for the named inital objects
 Cl4re_env_tInitial environment data structure
 Cl4re_event_tEvent structure used in buffer
 Cl4re_video_color_component_tColor component structure
 Cl4re_video_goos_info_tGoos information structure
 Cl4re_video_pixel_info_tPixel_info structure
 Cl4re_video_view_info_tView information structure
 Cl4re_video_view_tC representation of a goos view
 Cl4shmc_ringbuf_head_tHead field of a ring buffer
 Cl4shmc_ringbuf_tRing buffer
 Cl4util_l4mod_infoBase module structure
 Cl4util_l4mod_modA single module
 Cl4util_mb_addr_range_tINT-15, AX=E820 style "AddressRangeDescriptor" ...with a "size" parameter on the front which is the structure size - 4, pointing to the next one, up until the full buffer length of the memory map has been reached
 Cl4util_mb_apm_tAPM BIOS info
 Cl4util_mb_drive_tDrive Info structure
 Cl4util_mb_info_tMultiBoot Info description
 Cl4util_mb_mod_tThe structure type "mod_list" is used by the multiboot_info structure
 Cl4util_mb_vbe_ctrl_tVBE controller information
 Cl4util_mb_vbe_mode_tVBE mode information
 CL4vbus::Gpio_module::Pin_sliceA slice of the pins provided by this module
 CL4vbus::Pm< DEC >Power-management API mixin
 Cl4vbus_device_tDetailed information about a vbus device
 Cl4vbus_resource_tDescription of a single vbus resource
 CL4vcpu::StateC++ implementation of state word in the vCPU area
 CL4virtio::Driver::Block_device::HandleHandle to an ongoing request
 CL4virtio::Driver::DeviceClient-side implementation for a general virtio device
 CL4virtio::Driver::Virtio_net_device::PacketStructure for a network packet (header including data) with maximum size, assuming that no extra features have been negotiated
 CL4virtio::Ptr< T >Pointer used in virtio descriptors
 CL4virtio::Svr::Bad_descriptorException used by Queue to indicate descriptor errors
 CL4virtio::Svr::Block_request< Ds_data >A request to read or write data
 CL4virtio::Svr::Console::Control_messageVirtio console control message
 CL4virtio::Svr::Console::Control_requestSpecialised Virtqueue::Request providing access to control message payload
 CL4virtio::Svr::Console::PortRepresentation of a Virtio console port
 CL4virtio::Svr::Console::Port::TransitionState transition from last report state to current state
 CL4virtio::Svr::Data_bufferAbstract data buffer
 CL4virtio::Svr::Dev_configAbstraction for L4-Virtio device config memory
 CL4virtio::Svr::Dev_featuresType for device feature bitmap
 CL4virtio::Svr::Dev_statusType of the device status register
 CL4virtio::Svr::Device_t< DATA >Server-side L4-VIRTIO device stub
 CL4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_list_t< DATA >List of driver memory regions assigned to a single L4-VIRTIO transport instance
 CL4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_region_t< DATA >Region of driver memory, that shall be managed locally
 CL4virtio::Svr::Request_processorEncapsulate the state for processing a VIRTIO request
 CL4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Base_attr_tSCMI base protocol attributes
 CL4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Performance_attr_tSCMI performance protocol attributes
 CL4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Performance_describe_level_tSCMI performance describe level
 CL4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Performance_describe_levels_n_tSCMI performance describe levels numbers
 CL4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Performance_domain_attr_tSCMI performance domain protocol attributes
 CL4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Proto< OBSERV >Base class for all protocols
 CL4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Scmi_hdr_tSCMI header
 CL4virtio::Svr::Virtqueue::Head_descVIRTIO request, essentially a descriptor from the available ring
 CL4virtio::VirtqueueLow-level Virtqueue
 CL4virtio::Virtqueue::AvailType of available ring, this is read-only for the host
 CL4virtio::Virtqueue::Avail::FlagsFlags of the available ring
 CL4virtio::Virtqueue::DescDescriptor in the descriptor table
 CL4virtio::Virtqueue::Desc::FlagsType for descriptor flags
 CL4virtio::Virtqueue::UsedUsed ring
 CL4virtio::Virtqueue::Used::FlagsFlags for the used ring
 CL4virtio::Virtqueue::Used_elemType of an element of the used ring
 Cl4virtio_block_config_tDevice configuration for block devices
 Cl4virtio_block_discard_tStructure used for the write zeroes and discard commands
 Cl4virtio_block_header_tHeader structure of a request for a block device
 Cl4virtio_config_hdr_tL4-VIRTIO config header, provided in shared data space
 Cl4virtio_config_queue_tQueue configuration entry
 Cl4virtio_input_absinfo_tInformation about the absolute axis in the underlying evdev implementation
 Cl4virtio_input_config_tDevice configuration for input devices
 Cl4virtio_input_devids_tDevice ID information for the device
 Cl4virtio_input_event_tSingle event in event or status queue
 Cl4virtio_net_config_tDevice configuration for network devices
 Cl4virtio_net_header_tHeader structure of a request for a network device
 CMac_addrA wrapper class around the value of a MAC address
 CMac_table< Size >Mac_table manages a 1:n association between ports and MAC addresses
 Ccxx::New_allocator< _Node >
 Ccxx::New_allocator< Node >
 Ccxx::New_allocator< Slab_i >
 CBlock_device::Impl::Partitioned_device_discard_mixin< Partitioned_device< Device >, Device >
 CL4vbus::Pm< Device >
 CL4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Proto< Scmi_dev >
 CL4virtio::Ptr< void >
 Ccxx::Ref_ptr< Device_type >
 Ccxx::Ref_ptr< L4Re::Vfs::File >
 Ccxx::Ref_ptr< Mount_tree >
 CL4drivers::Register_block_base< 16 >
 CL4drivers::Register_block_base< 32 >
 CL4drivers::Register_block_base< 64 >
 CL4drivers::Register_block_base< 8 >
 CL4drivers::Register_block_base< MAX_BITS >
 CL4drivers::Register_block_impl< Mmio_register_block< 32 >, 32 >
 CL4drivers::Register_block_tmpl< Register_block_base< MAX_BITS > >
 CL4drivers::Register_block_tmpl< Register_block_base< MAX_BITS > const >
 Ccxx::Bits::Smart_ptr_list< Connection >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< Array_ref< A, LEN >, Dir_in, CLASS >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< Array_ref< A, LEN >, Dir_out, CLASS >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage, Dir_in, CLASS >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< typename ELEM::svr_type, typename Direction< A * >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< A * >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< typename ELEM::svr_type, typename Direction< A >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< A >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< typename ELEM::svr_type, typename Direction< A const * >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< A const * >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< typename ELEM::svr_type, typename Direction< Array_ref< A, LEN > & >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< Array_ref< A, LEN > & >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< typename ELEM::svr_type, typename Direction< Array_ref< A, LEN > >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< Array_ref< A, LEN > >::type >::type >
 CL4::Ipc::Msg::Svr_val_ops< typename ELEM::svr_type, typename Direction< T >::type, typename Class< typename Detail::_Plain< T >::type >::type >
 CL4Re::Rm::Unique_region< char * >
 CL4Re::Rm::Unique_region< l4_addr_t >
 CL4Re::Rm::Unique_region< l4_uint8_t * >
 CL4Re::Rm::Unique_region< L4virtio::Device::Config_hdr * >
 CL4Re::Rm::Unique_region< l4virtio_config_hdr_t * >
 CL4Re::Rm::Unique_region< unsigned char * >
 CL4Re::Rm::Unique_region< void * >
 CVirtio_net_requestAbstraction for a network request
 CVirtio_net_transferA network request to only a single destination
 CVirtio_switchThe Virtio switch contains all ports and processes network requests
 CVirtio_vlan_mangleClass for VLAN packet rewriting
 Ccxx::Bitmap_base::Word< Bits >
 Ccxx::Bitmap_base::Word< COUNT >
 Ccxx::Bitmap_base::Word< Size >