14#include <l4/sys/l4int.h>
unsigned int l4_uint32_t
Unsigned 32bit value.
unsigned long long l4_uint64_t
Unsigned 64bit value.
Flags for l4util_l4mod_mod.flags.
@ L4util_l4mod_mod_flag_unspec
Flag for a generic module.
@ L4util_l4mod_mod_flag_roottask
Flag for the root task module.
@ L4util_l4mod_mod_flag_kernel
Flag for the kernel module.
@ L4util_l4mod_mod_flag_sigma0
Flag for the sigma0 module.
@ L4util_l4mod_mod_flag_mask
Mask for specified flags.
l4_uint64_t vbe_mode_info
VESA video mode info.
l4_uint32_t mods_count
Number of modules.
l4_uint64_t mods_addr
Module list.
l4_uint64_t vbe_ctrl_info
VESA video info, valid if one of vbe_ctrl_info or vbe_mode_info is not zero.
l4_uint64_t cmdline
Pointer to kernel command line.
l4_uint64_t mod_end
End address of module in memory.
l4_uint64_t flags
Module flags (l4util_l4mod_mod_info_flag)
l4_uint64_t cmdline
Module command line.
l4_uint64_t mod_start
Starting address of module in memory.