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L4Re Operating System Framework
Interface and Usage Documentation
Inter-process communication (IPC) is the fundamental communication mechanism in the L4Re Microkernel.
Basically IPC invokes a subroutine in a different context using input and output parameters. It is used to communicate between userland threads and, as a special case, to communicate between a userland thread and a kernel object. IPC provides the only (non-debugging) way of doing system calls.
When using this API, an IPC operation can be conducted using the l4_ipc() function (or one of its related helpers). In general it causes a method to be invoked on the called kernel object. An IPC operation consists of a send and receive phase, but either of them can be skipped, that is, an IPC operation can consist of only either a send or a receive phase. IPC is always synchronous and blocking and can be given a timeout. Timeouts can be specified separately for each phase. Invoking the IPC syscall without any phase is deprecated.
On the lowest abstraction level, IPC operations need the following arguments:
During an IPC operation the kernel accesses the UTCB of the current thread to read parameters which are not passed as direct arguments.
As result of an IPC operation the kernel returns a message tag and a label and the kernel also changes UTCB content. For the detailed call signature, refer to l4_ipc(). Furthermore, depending on the IPC parameters, the kernel might have transferred the FPU state and capabilities (memory, I/O ports, and/or object capabilities) from the sender to the receiving thread.
The transition between the IPC send phase and the IPC receive phase is atomic, that is, as soon as the send phase has finished, the thread receive phase starts. A relative receive timeout does not start before the send phase has finished (see also below) and a thread which received an IPC call from another thread can assume that the other thread is ready to receive the reply message and the replying thread can therefore reply with a timeout of zero, see IPC Timeouts.
For performance optimization and under certain conditions, the kernel may perform a context switch from the IPC sender to the IPC receiver without consulting the scheduler after the send phase finished. For instance, a client performing an IPC call to a server has to wait for the server anyway. Hence, after the client request was sent to the server, the kernel switches directly to the server thread. This behavior can be disabled by setting the L4_MSGTAG_SCHEDULE flag in the sender message tag (see below).
The flags defined in l4_syscall_flags_t are used by the invoking thread to define the intended IPC operation. The variants of l4_ipc() (see Object Invocation) use the flags
The partner capability selector defines a kernel object as partner of the IPC operation. Some kernel objects forward IPC to a userland thread.
Basically an object capability is represented by l4_cap_idx_t where the bits starting from L4_CAP_SHIFT are used as index into the local capability table of the current address space.
Specifying L4_INVALID_CAP as target for an IPC operation is equivalent to specifying a thread capability of the current thread with full permissions. As a result, the userland thread either communicates with its corresponding kernel thread object (if L4_PROTO_THREAD is specified as protocol value, see the description of the message tag below) or the IPC target is the current userland thread. In the latter case, no IPC will be performed and the send phase and the receive phase will block until the corresponding timeout has expired, see below.
A special partner is defined by the reply capability. Since it would be impractical (and a security flaw) to always pass an explicit object capability to reply to for each IPC, the kernel generates an implicit one that can be used for just that purpose if the IPC contains an open wait phase. The reply capability is valid after a receive phase and points to the kernel object that sent the IPC just received. It can be used only once. The reply capability is selected by setting the L4_SYSF_REPLY flag, see above.
The IPC label is a machine word which is transferred unchanged from the IPC sender to the IPC receiver when directly sending to a userland thread. However, the primary purpose of the label is to create a relationship between an L4::Rcv_endpoint (L4::Ipc_gate or L4::Irq) and the bound thread.
During L4::Rcv_endpoint::bind_thread(), a label is specified. If the thread receives an IPC message through the endpoint, that label is delivered to the receiving thread as output parameter of l4_ipc() instead of the label specified during the corresponding IPC send operation (see the detailed description of L4::Ipc_gate for more details on the label with IPC gates). The label is usually used by the receiving thread to invoke the object which is responsible for handling the IPC request of the corresponding endpoint. This mechanism is used by the L4::Epiface mechanism for server loops.
The message tag (l4_msgtag_t) describes the payload of the IPC and can also be used to enable certain features. It contains:
The information from the message tag is required by the kernel to transfer the message. The IPC system call returns a message tag as result of the IPC operation. On success, a copy of the message tag specified by the sender is returned if there is a receive phase. Without receive phase, a successful IPC syscall returns the message tag specified as input parameter.
Failures during IPC are signalled using the L4_MSGTAG_ERROR flag in the message tag. If this bit is set by the kernel, the content of the returned message tag apart from that bit is undefined and the kernel wrote the actual error code into the l4_thread_regs_t::error register of the UTCB (see also IPC Thread Control Registers). When an IPC error occurs after the rendezvous of the IPC partners, both partners observe the same error information. If, for instance, the IPC was aborted using L4::Thread::ex_regs(), the sender gets an L4_IPC_SECANCELED error while the receiver gets an L4_IPC_RECANCELED error. The function L4Re::chkipc() can be used to verify that an IPC operation finished successfully: It throws an error if the IPC failed.
The protocol value is usually used to distinguish between different protocols of the same interface. Certain protocol IDs are pre-defined when talking to kernel objects, see L4_msgtag_protocol. From IPC point of view, the protocol value is just payload that is transferred from sender to receiver and hence doesn't have a dedicated meaning.
By convention, during IPC calls, the protocol value is used for return values, where negative values signify errors. See the section about L4 RPC return types for further information. The function L4Re::chksys() can be used to verify that an RPC call using IPC was successful: It throws an error if the IPC failed or if the returned protocol value is negative.
As written above, IPC timeouts are specified separately for the send phase (IPC send timeout) and the receive phase (IPC receive timeout). The timeout of one phase is encapsulated by l4_timeout_s. Both timeouts are combined into a single l4_timeout_t parameter. Timeouts are either relative to the current time of the invoking thread or absolute. In the latter case, the absolute time of the deadline of the respective phase is written into a UTCB buffer register (see l4_timeout_abs()). The relative timeout of the receive phase starts immediately after the send phase has finished.
Two specific timeout values are sufficient for most IPC operations:
In certain cases it also makes sense to specify an IPC timeout different from "never" or "zero":
The UTCB is located on a power-of-2-sized and power-of-2-aligned memory area shared between userland and the kernel (L4::Task::add_ku_mem()). The UTCB is bound to a thread during the L4::Thread::control() operation with the L4::Thread::Attr parameters set up using L4::Thread::Attr::bind(). The UTCB is used for IPC-related data exchange and is set up before invoking l4_ipc(). To access certain parts of the UTCB, the corresponding functions have to be used (there is no data type L4_utcb or similar). The UTCB consists of:
, MR[1]
, ..., MR[n-1]
with n = L4_UTCB_GENERIC_DATA_SIZE (access using l4_utcb_mr()),BDR
(access using l4_utcb_br(), see l4_buf_regs_t::bdr),BR[0]
, BR[1]
, ..., BR[m-1]
with m = L4_UTCB_GENERIC_BUFFERS_SIZE (access using l4_utcb_br()),IPC to a kernel object requires the setup of the UTCB of the corresponding userlevel thread. IPC between userlevel threads requires the setup of UTCBs of both partners.
The kernel changes only the following UTCB content:
The message registers contain untyped items and typed items. The sender's typed items are interpreted by the kernel in conjunction with the receiver's receive items. Each typed send item occupies two message registers. The untyped items, on the other hand, are free to be used by the communication partners to exchange data: The content of all message registers used for untyped items (l4_msgtag_t::words()) is copied from the UTCB of the IPC sender to the UTCB of the IPC receiver.
A typed send item consists of a flexpage (see l4_fpage(), l4_obj_fpage(), and l4_iofpage()) of the to be transferred capabilities (flexpage word) and a message word. There are two types of send items: map items and void items. For a void item, the message word is all zero. For a map item, the message word contains:
A typed send item can be created using l4_sndfpage_add(). This function sets the compound bit unconditionally. Alternatively, the functions l4_map_control() and l4_map_obj_control() can be used to set up the message word of a map item for a memory flexpage respective for objects.
See below for a description how typed items are transferred.
The buffer registers and buffer descriptor register are interpreted by the kernel during the receive phase (if any). Buffer registers define receive items which are required to receive typed send items (memory, I/O ports or object capabilities). To specify a receive item, up to three buffer registers are required:
The buffer descriptor register defines indices of buffer registers used to receive dedicated types of send items and also contains a flag:
For most use cases, a BDR value of zero is sufficient. In that case, if BR[0]
contains a void item, no capabilities are received. Otherwise, only one type of capabilities (memory, I/O ports or objects) can be received even if there are several receive items. For more complex setups that require receiving different types of capabilities in one receive operation, other BDR values are necessary.
The BDR of the receiving thread is only used by the kernel if at least one typed item is transferred during the IPC or if L4_MSGTAG_TRANSFER_FPU is set in the UTCB of the sending thread.
The l4_thread_regs_t::error register contains the IPC error code in case the L4_MSGTAG_ERROR flag is set in the message tag returned by an IPC syscall. Otherwise this register is not touched by the kernel. See l4_ipc_tcr_error_t for a detailed enumeration of all possible error codes during an IPC operation.
The l4_thread_regs_t::free_marker is set by the kernel to zero immediately before a thread is destroyed. This value indicates that the kernel does not longer use the UTCB and it can be re-used by other threads.
The other members of l4_thread_regs_t are never touched by the kernel.
The kernel interprets all typed items in the sender UTCB (l4_msgtag_t::items()) and performs the following operations while modifying the corresponding typed items in the receiver UTCB:
In the last case, the message word of the typed item in the receiver UTCB is modified to contain the send base, the type and the size of the transferred flexpage, as well as a copy of the compound bit and the type bit of the send item. If the receiver ordered a local ID in the corresponding receive item, the kernel attempts to apply special rules, see L4_RCV_ITEM_LOCAL_ID. Otherwise, regular mappings as described by the flexpage of the send item are created in the receiver space.
A receive item forms a receive window of a specific address and size in the receiver space. Each typed send item that is a map item requires a corresponding receive item. By default, there is a one-to-one mapping (one receive item per typed send item) but it is also possible to use one receive item to receive several typed send items: The compound bit (see l4_msg_item_consts_t) of a send item defines if the following typed send item shall use the same receive item as the current one for receiving the flexpage. If the compound bit is set, proper values of the send base shall be used to prevent overlapping of addresses in the receiver space.
The send base is relevant when the size of the receive flexpage differs from the size of the transferred resource. As a typical example, triggering a memory page fault opens a receive window covering the entire memory address space of the faulting thread. The pager will usually reply a memory flexpage smaller than the entire address space of the faulting thread. Hence, the pager has to specify a proper base which is used as offset of the sent object in the receive flexpage in the receiver space. If the sender flexpage is bigger than the receive window, a flexpage of the size of the receive window starting at the send base in the sender space is transferred to the receiver.
The kernel will stop transmission of typed items before l4_msgtag_t::items() is reached either if it finds a void item as receive buffer or if the flexpage type of the send item does not match the flexpage type of the corresponding receive item. Under both conditions, the IPC is aborted with L4_IPC_SEMSGCUT / L4_IPC_REMSGCUT.
The kernel does not unmap capabilities in the receive window when there is no capability present at the corresponding index at the sender. Further, the receiver cannot reliably detect at which capability indices it received capabilities in its receive windows. Therefore, before receiving from an untrusted source, all receive windows should be cleared. Otherwise the receiver may erroneously associate a capability in one of its receive windows with his last IPC partner although it was actually received in an earlier IPC.
However, the kernel indicates if at least one object capability was received or not, see L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage::cap_received().
A number of examples show the interplay of the concepts introduced so far.
The L4::Scheduler kernel object has a method L4::Scheduler.idle_time(). It takes a set of CPUs to query, represented by two machine words.
In user space, the function L4::Cap<L4::Scheduler>->idle_time() is called, which does the following:
with a constant identifying the method being called (L4_SCHEDULER_IDLE_TIME_OP).MR[1]
and MR[2]
with the two words making up the CPU set.This function traps into kernel space using standard platform specific mechanisms. The kernel reads the protocol value on the message tag, checks that the partner capability ID refers to a valid object that speaks that protocol, and dispatches the message to the appropriate handler. The handler fills the first 64 bits of the message registers with the computed time value. This will cover MR[0]
on 64-bit architectures and MR[0]
and MR[1]
on 32-bit architectures. It then sets up the return message tag:
This reply is received by the receive phase of the original l4_ipc() call from userland. Finally the l4_ipc() function copies the time value out of the message registers and forwards it with a possible error from the message tag flags to its caller.
When the target kernel object is of type L4::Thread (or L4::Ipc_gate, but we will cover this in the example below) and the message tag's protocol value is not L4_PROTO_THREAD, the kernel will forward the IPC message to the userland thread represented by the kernel object. There it can be received by a call to l4_ipc(). The restriction of the protocol number is necessary because one also wants to invoke L4::Thread's control methods such as L4::Thread.switch_to() or L4::Thread.ex_regs(). Besides this restriction, the interpretation of all the IPC parameters and the untyped items of the UTCB is up to the communication partners.
A simple example is a client calling a server to have a computation performed on a value: Similar to IPC from a userland thread to a kernel object, the client writes the value to MR[0]
. It sets up the message tag with some agreed upon protocol value (which, as explained above, must be different from L4_PROTO_THREAD), number of untyped items to 1, typed items to 0, and no flags set. The client may want to pass a label that identifies itself, as many clients can use the server. In this context, the identifier might also be passed via the message registers, but the label is the proper place for this, as it gets a special treatment by the kernel for IPC gates (covered by the example below). The client then calls l4_ipc() with the tag, label and flags indicating it wants a send phase and a receive phase (as it wants a result back). The target is the capability index referring to a capability for the L4::Thread kernel object of the server.
To be able to receive an IPC message, the server has set up a UTCB of its own and called l4_ipc() with flags indicating it only wants to enter a receive phase and it accepts IPCs from any partner. This is called an open wait. (The alternative would be to specify a capability index referring to a L4::Thread capability to exclusively receive from.)
Both system calls (the send IPC initiated by the client and the receive IPC initiated by the server) may be seen by the kernel in any order but the IPC will not start before sender and receiver are ready. In that case the kernel will copy the relevant message registers the client specified in the message tag from the client's UTCB to the server's UTCB, in the current example just MR[0]
. It will then switch the client to the receive phase of its call (which cannot yet be executed) and return the server's call with the message tag and label.
The server inspects the tag for the correct protocol value and number of untyped items passed, inspect the label to decide whether it maybe wants special treatment of this particular client, performs the computation on MR[0]
and writes the result back to MR[0]
(or to more words, depending on what exactly it computes). It sets up the tag in the usual way, but probably needs to pass no label, as the client knows who it is talking to.
For the reply, the server makes use the reply capability (see above). Since the client sent the last IPC to the server, the reply capability will point to it. So when the server calls l4_ipc() with the computed result in the message registers and using the reply capability as target, the kernel knows to forward this to the client's thread. The kernel copies the message registers from the server's UTCB to the client's UTCB, and the client's l4_ipc() system call, which is still stuck in the receive phase, is returned with the tag.
The client looks at the tag and then the message registers for its wanted result and the example is concluded.
IPC between userland threads is also used to transfer typed items: Memory, I/O ports, and objects, all represented as flexpages. Typed items and untyped items can be part of the same IPC. As general rule, the sender specifies what he wants to send, the receiver where and how much it wants to receive, and the kernel checks the required permissions before doing the actual transfer. As written before, this mechanism is synchronous and the receiver cannot be transferred items against its will.
Suppose a client wants a server to have read only access to a page of its memory. The client sets up a flexpage covering the page and with only the L4_FPAGE_RO right set. The server sets up a flexpage of a memory region where it will receive the mapping. This may be larger than one page, suppose for our case four pages, in which case the exact position of the mapping will be resolved by the send base provided by the sender. The client combines the hot spot and some flags into a machine word and writes it to MR[0]
(see also l4_map_control()). At MR[1]
follows the flexpage it wants to send (see also l4_fpage()). The server does almost the same but writes the words to BR[0]
and BR[1]
. (The server could also specify a hot spot, but it is currently ignored by the kernel.) The client specifies 1 typed and 0 untyped items in the message tag. The server writes 0 to BDR
to specify that the first receive item starts at the first buffer register.
Both client and server initiate their IPC, the client with only a send phase to the server, and the server with an open wait receive phase. The kernel checks the compatibility of the send items and the receive buffers (e.g. that no object capability flexpage is sent to a receive buffer describing a memory mapping flexpage) and updates its internal structures to reflect the change. In our case, the sender's hot spot indicates to which of the four pages that make up the receive buffer the sent page should be mapped. The kernel also translates the typed send item to the server's address space and stores it in the server's UTCB at MR[0]
and MR[1]
Once the server returns from its syscall, it will have read access to the client's shared page.
A common use case for thread to thread communication is when a server implements a number of object interfaces and a client wants to invoke methods on them. For security reasons, the server does not want to hand out its thread capability to everyone it nonetheless wants to serve. It also may not want to allow every client access to everyone of its interfaces. For this purpose, IPC gates implemented by the kernel object L4::Ipc_gate can be used. An IPC gate can be bound to a thread and forwards IPC to it. In doing so it applies two transformations
For each object of every interface the server implements, it creates an IPC gate and binds it to itself (see L4::Ipc_gate::bind_thread()). It sets the gate's label to a unique value identifying the object. Then it hands the gate out to clients. Several clients can be handed the same gate and will all end up invoking methods on the same object.
Instead of setting the target as the server's thread kernel object, the client uses the IPC gate's instead. The label the client sends is irrelevant, as the gate will overwrite it with the value the server has set during the bind operation. The server executes an open wait, and the kernel performs the same operation as in the above example with the transformed IPC finally ending up in the server's thread.
The server checks that the received label refers to one of its objects. It then checks if the protocol value in the message tag matches the interface the object implements. Then it invokes the method specified in MR[0]
with the rest of the arguments. Finally it returns the results via UTCB and message tag to the reply capability and waits for the next IPC.