Betriebssysteme · Institut für Systemarchitektur · Fakultät Informatik · TU Dresden |
Real-Time SystemsThis lecture does not require any registration! About this lecture:
Real-time systems are an area in computer science that touch many of the classical ones. They include computer architecture (e.g. bus design), operating systems (of course ;), programming languages (Ada, RT-Java, ...) , software engineering, users (multimedia, car electronics) and up to theoretical computer science (state charts). Processor scheduling, a synonym for real-time systems in many universities, is a real part of real-time systems. In this lecture we try to at least briefly visit all the fields related to real-time systems. There are at least two very good books: For example, we omit much of the scheduling theory and mathematics because it is covered in-depth by the lecture Quantitative Methoden given by Dr. Hamann. This lecture is very recommended as an addendum! Due to the mentioned reasons the lecture will be a bit heterogeneous and it is unlikely that we will achieve a complete coverage of the topic although we now have a fair bit of experience with the lecture.. Planed topics:
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6. Feb 2009
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