Betriebssysteme · Institut für Systemarchitektur · Fakultät Informatik · TU Dresden

Real-Time Systems

Real-Time Systems

This lecture does not require any registration!

About this lecture:

    Real-time systems are an area in computer science that touch many of the classical ones. They include computer architecture (e.g. bus design), operating systems (of course ;), programming languages (Ada, RT-Java, ...) , software engineering, users (multimedia, car electronics) and up to theoretical computer science (state charts). Processor scheduling, a synonym for real-time systems in many universities, is a real part of real-time systems.

    In this lecture we try to at least briefly visit all the fields related to real-time systems.

    There are at least two very good books:

    • Jane Liu, Real-Time Systems
    • Hermann Kopetz, Real-Time Systems
    Despite the same titles the books a fundamentally different. Additionally the authors follow different schools. Unfortunately both books do not cover all of area of real time systems. Consequently we use both books in the lecture (both available in the library) but add much from publications and own experiences and are generous with leaving things out.

    For example, we omit much of the scheduling theory and mathematics because it is covered in-depth by the lecture Quantitative Methoden given by Dr. Hamann. This lecture is very recommended as an addendum!

    Due to the mentioned reasons the lecture will be a bit heterogeneous and it is unlikely that we will achieve a complete coverage of the topic although we now have a fair bit of experience with the lecture..

Planed topics:

  • Terms
  • Time and clocks in real-time systems
  • Principle results (complexity of scheduling, ...)
  • Hardware (Caches, Busses, Microcontroller, dedicated computers)
  • Operating systems (Real-Time and synchronization, Locks, ...)
  • Communication (TDMA, ATM, field busses)
  • Programming languages (Ada, ...)
  • Architectures (imprecise computations, separation of control and protection)
  • Methods and tools
  • Applications (Cars, Multimedia)
  • Aperiodic real-time systems



  • Date: Thu, 5th/6th DS, the first lecture will be given on Oct. 23rd.
  • Room: INF/E06

There's a mailing list for the lecture, it's advised that all listeners of the lecture subscribe (only * addresses allowed): rts2008.

webmaster@os, home
6. Feb 2009
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