26 enum { TBUF_LOG = L4_KDEBUG_GROUP_TRACE + 0x01 };
34 enum { TBUF_LOG_3VAL = L4_KDEBUG_GROUP_TRACE + 0x04 };
36 __builtin_strlen(text), v1, v2, v3));
42 enum { TBUF_CLEAR = L4_KDEBUG_GROUP_TRACE + 0x02 };
49 enum { TBUF_DUMP = L4_KDEBUG_GROUP_TRACE + 0x03 };
56 enum { TBUF_LOG_BIN = L4_KDEBUG_GROUP_TRACE + 0x08 };
l4_umword_t fiasco_tbuf_log(const char *text)
Create new trace-buffer entry with describing <text>.
void fiasco_tbuf_clear(void)
Clear trace-buffer.
l4_umword_t fiasco_tbuf_log_3val(const char *text, l4_umword_t v1, l4_umword_t v2, l4_umword_t v3)
Create new trace-buffer entry with describing <text> and three additional values.
l4_umword_t fiasco_tbuf_log_binary(const unsigned char *data)
Create new trace-buffer entry with binary data.
void fiasco_tbuf_dump(void)
Dump trace-buffer to kernel console.
unsigned long l4_umword_t
Unsigned machine word.
long l4_error(l4_msgtag_t tag) L4_NOTHROW
Get IPC error code if any or message tag label otherwise for an IPC call.
#define L4_INLINE
L4 Inline function attribute.
Functionality for invoking the kernel debugger.
l4_msgtag_t __kdebug_3_text(unsigned op, char const *text, unsigned len, l4_umword_t v1, l4_umword_t v2, l4_umword_t v3) L4_NOTHROW
Invoke a text output operation with 3 additional machine word arguments on the base debugger capabili...
l4_msgtag_t __kdebug_text(unsigned op, char const *text, unsigned len) L4_NOTHROW
Invoke a text output operation on the base debugger capability.
l4_msgtag_t __kdebug_op(unsigned op) L4_NOTHROW
Invoke a nullary operation on the base debugger capability.
Common L4 ABI Data Types.