| __kernel_object_impl.h |
| __kip-32bit.h |
| __kip-64bit.h |
| __ktrace-impl.h |
| L4 kernel event tracing.
| __l4_fpage.h |
| __platform_control-arm.h |
| __task-arm.h |
| __timeout.h |
| __typeinfo.h |
| Type information handling.
| __vcpu-arm.h |
| __vm-arm.h |
| Virtualization interface.
| __vm-svm.h |
| __vm-vmx.h |
| arm_smccc |
| ARM secure monitor call functions.
| arm_smccc.h |
| ARM secure monitor call functions.
| assert.h |
| Low-level assert implementation.
| cache.h |
| Cache-consistency functions.
| capability |
| L4::Cap related definitions.
| compiler.h |
| L4 compiler related defines.
| consts.h |
| Common constants.
| debugger |
| The debugger interface specifies common debugging related definitions.
| debugger.h |
| Debugger related definitions.
| err.h |
| Error codes.
| exception |
| Exception C++ interface.
| factory |
| Common factory related definitions.
| factory.h |
| Common factory related definitions.
| icu |
| Interrupt controller.
| icu.h |
| Interrupt controller.
| iommu |
| ipc.h |
| Common IPC interface.
| ipc_gate |
| The C++ IPC gate interface.
| ipc_gate.h |
| The C IPC gate interface, see L4::Ipc_gate for the C++ interface.
| irq |
| C++ Irq interface.
| irq.h |
| C Irq interface.
| kdebug.h |
| Functionality for invoking the kernel debugger.
| kdump.h |
| Functionality for dumping kernel information.
| kernel_object.h |
| Kernel object system calls.
| kip |
| kip.h |
| Kernel Info Page access functions.
| kobject |
| ktrace.h |
| L4 kernel event tracing.
| l4int.h |
| Fixed sized integer types, generic version.
| memdesc.h |
| Memory description functions.
| meta |
| Meta interface for getting dynamic type information about objects behind capabilities.
| obj_info.h |
| Debugger related functions.
| pager |
| platform_control |
| Platform control object.
| platform_control.h |
| Platform control object.
| rcv_endpoint |
| The C++ Receive endpoint interface.
| rcv_endpoint.h |
| Receive endpoint C interface.
| scheduler |
| Scheduler object functions.
| scheduler.h |
| Scheduler object functions.
| semaphore |
| Semaphore class definition.
| semaphore.h |
| C semaphore interface.
| smart_capability |
| L4::Capability class.
| task |
| Common task related definitions.
| task.h |
| Common task related definitions.
| thread |
| Common thread related definitions.
| thread.h |
| Common thread related definitions.
| typeinfo_svr |
| Type information server template.
| types.h |
| Common L4 ABI Data Types.
| utcb.h |
| UTCB definitions.
| vcon |
| C++ Virtual console interface.
| vcon.h |
| Virtual console interface.
| vcpu.h |
| vcpu_context |
| Hardware vCPU context interface.
| vcpu_context.h |
| vm |
| Virtualization interface.